Periwinkle plant medicinal uses pdf

Council of malaysia majlis kanser nasional, makna uses the periwinkle logo as. Since ages, periwinkle has been used for various medicinal purposes and applications in europe, china, hawaii and caribbean. Although it prefers rich, slightly moist soil, it tolerates a wide range of conditions, including clay, alkaline soils and drought. Pdf an overview of catharanthus roseus and medicinal properties. Periwinkle is frequently found in welldrained, open, disturbed ground of shaded woods, edges and roadsides. The madagascar periwinkles impact on childhood leukemia. The center of this variety of periwinkle is generally bright pink, while the foliage is traditionally dark green. Read on further to find some health and nutrition benefits of consuming periwinkle. Rose periwinkle can be propagated from seed, but also can be rooted from cuttings taken in spring or summer. Periwinkle vinca major is also known as small and large periwinkle, though not very often in use and is a plant with a lot of benefits. The following content briefs about periwinkle plant cultivation. Traditional medicinal uses of madagascar periwinkle it has shown to have activity against leukemia and other cancers. Catharanthus roseus synonymous with vinca rosea is a perennial plant. Mar 31, 2020 rosy periwinkle is a flowering plant that usually features five delicate petals that may be pink or white.

Aphids, thrips, rhizoctonia, and pythium are potential threats. Periwinkle herb uses, health benefits and side effects. Growing periwinkle in partial shade creates more vigorous growth. This type of periwinkle contains a group of alkaloids that have potential uses to treat cancer. Fam family, t tree, h herb, c climber, s shrub plant common name maturity period botanical name or family parts used average price rs. In indiana, it has been found as an escaped species. Common periwinkle vinca minor is an ideal plant for tough spots. Ash and oakhornbeam woods on better soils in central europe. Plant them out in the summer or the following spring. The parts of the plant growing above the ground are known to be used for preparing medicine. Pdf catharanthus roseus is a tropical hardy plant grown as a pot ornamental plant for its rosy or white flowers. Dec 23, 2019 periwinkle has been studied for potential antimicrobial and antiprotozoal applications, as well as for use in diabetes and wound healing.

If propagated from seed it will flower more profusely. It is native and endemic to madagascar, but grown elsewhere as an ornamental and medicinal plant, a source of the drugs. In addition, inappropriate use wrong plant parts, dose, frequency, route of administration, preparation, etc. The periwinkle is a perennial herb with flowers that can bloom throughout the year, depending on the climate. Periwinkle tincture can be taken in doses of 1 to 2 ml three times per day 2. Pdf an overview of catharanthus roseus and medicinal. These often are bred for their unique colors, ranging from white to greenyellow and lavender. Health benefits of sadabahar, madagascar periwinkle, or. It is also called lesser periwinkle or creeping myrtle. Ornamental exterior versus therapeutic interior of madagascar. When it comes to periwinkle plant description, it is a perennial evergreen herbaceous plant or is a species of flowering plant which can grow up to 100 to 120 cm height.

There are seven species of vinca that are collectively known as periwinkles, but in a prime example of why we should use their botanical names, the annual plant catharanthus roseus is also commonly known as a vinca and even occasionally as a periwinkle. Catharanthus roseus vinca medicinal uses and images. Periwinkle alkaloids have been used to treat certain cancers. This article deals with the health benefits of periwinkle plant, its dosage and precautions. List of various diseases cured by catharanthus roseus. Aug 14, 2017 periwinkle is also known as vinca minor, myrtle, churchflower, and magdalena 2. Catharanthus roseus is now cultivated and used for medicinal purposes in many different countries, including dominica, england, pakistan and vietnam 15. What are the medicinal uses of the rosy periwinkle. The medicinal herb info site was created to help educate visitors about the often forgotten wisdom of the old ways of treating illnesses. Medicinal plants have played a key role in world health. Oct 12, 2015 medicinal uses of catharanthus roseus periwinkle catharanthus roseus is a tropical plant used for medicinal purpose. Common names periwinkle also is known as red periwinkle, madagascar or cape periwinkle, old maid, churchflower, ramgoat rose, myrtle, and magdalena. The periwinkle plant grows best in a partially shaded area in acidic soil.

It is escaped throughout the eastern us, and can become a dominant and sometimes monotypic understory in the northeastern us. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in catharanthus roseus. Don apocynaceae is a medicinal plant that changed the world. Methanolic extracts of same medicinal plants were subjected to a test of. According to scott cunningham a author of cunninghams encyclopedia of magical herbs, have mentioned many uses of periwinkle. Many of todays drugs and medicines were originally derived from natural ingredients, combinations of plants and other items found in nature.

Catharanthus roseus vinca medicinal plant benefits and images. Learn more about periwinkle uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain periwinkle. Lesser periwinkle originated in spain, france, and other areas of europe but can now be found growing in many parts of the world, while greater periwinkle is native to southern europe. Periwinkle, in botany, any of various plants of the genus vinca of the dogbane family apocynaceae. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext.

Culinary and medicinal uses madagascar periwinkle was originally used in madagascar as a treatment for diabetes and than this treatment later spread to south africa, jamaica, suriname, vietnam, the philippines, india, and australia. Catharanthus roseus, commonly known as bright eyes, cape periwinkle, graveyard plant, madagascar periwinkle, old maid, pink periwinkle, rose periwinkle, is a species of flowering plant in the dogbane family apocynaceae. This is a 1m tall perennial herb with oppositely arranged leaves. Of the three different periwinkles described on the main periwinkle page, madagascar or rosy periwinkle is by far the most important plant medicinally, generating hundreds of millions per year in the pharmaceutical industry as a promising addition to the arsenal against childhood leukemia, hodgkins disease, testicular cancer and cancerous. There are many traditional and folkloric uses of periwinkle. Periwinkle plant cultivation sadaphuli agri farming. The plant has a long history of use as medicine in ayurveda and unani. Catharanthus roseus vinca also known as the madagascar periwinkle or rosy periwinkle or sadabahar is grown as an ornamental plant in the garden.

The closely related species greater periwinkle vinca major, a much larger plant, is used in a similar manner in herbal medicine and has the same medicinal properties as lesser periwinkle. It is a commonly grown plant in india and is native to madagascar. Periwinkle has been studied for potential antimicrobial and antiprotozoal applications, as well as for use in diabetes and wound healing. Catharanthus roseus flowering plants, medicinal plant. Aug 19, 2010 the white periwinkle vinca minor commonly used in jamaica as a hedging and a garden rose, is also a powerful medicinal plant. There is no recent clinical evidence to support specific doses of periwinkle for medicinal use. Other species of this flower include the vinca major and the vinca rosea which have been used in treatments for cancer and diabetes by scientists in england and canada. In many instances, extreme vigor may not be desirable unless the periwinkle plant needs to cover a large area. Though native to madagascar, rosy periwinkle can survive in many parts of europe and the united states. This plant is also known as madagascar periwinkle because the plant is believed to be native to madagascar. Cuttings of mature wood of the current seasons growth, 5 10 cm long, october in a cold frame.

Uses both species of periwinkle are used in medicine for their acrid, astringent and tonic properties. Periwinkle has shallow, spreading, fibrous roots that hold soil in place. Catharanthus roseus herb uses, benefits, cures, side effects. It is the use of plants for medicinal purposes, and the study of such uses.

Assurance of the safety, quality, and efficacy of medicinal plants and herbal products has now become a key issue in industrialized and in developing countries. Medicinal plants of dominicauses, chemical constituents. Aug 31, 2008 catharanthus roseus synonymous with vinca rosea is a perennial plant commonly seen in tropical countries. Some probable constraints which may have hindered taking up periwinkle breeding are identified.

Common and dwarf periwinkle, vinca, runningmyrtle, blue buttons, devils eye, joy on the ground. Names of catharanthus roseus in various languages of the world are also given. The related plant vinca minor common periwinkle, myrtle is used as a ground cover. The plant has been widely used in tropical folk medicine. While not widely recommended for medicinal purposes today, periwinkle is sometimes used to improve brain circulation and alleviate heavy menstrual periods. Seven species of this genus are native to madagascar and one species is native to southern asia. Although the plant is said to be native to the west indies, it first was described in madagascar. Vincas, how to grow and care for periwinkle plants, vinca. You can also look list of medicinal plants for diabetes treatment. Kg medicinal use amla t after 4th year emblica officinalis fam euphorbiaceac fruit rs 15 45kg vitamin c, cough. The plant has a long history of use in ayurvedic medicine, traditional chinese medicine and other healing systems. Periwinkle is a herb known for its wonderful health benefits. Vinca minor common names lesser periwinkle or dwarf periwinkle is a species of flowering plant in the dogbane family, native to central and southern europe, from portugal and france north to the netherlands and the baltic states, east to the caucasus, and also southwestern asia in turkey.

Edible uses none known medicinal madagascar periwinkle has long been used as a traditional medicine. Vincamine is an active compound in periwinkle, and a semisynthetic version called vinpocetine has been used in scientific studies 2. Apart from being beautiful to look at, the plant has some great medicinal properties associated with it. Catharanthus roseus will reseed itself if the soil is loose. In this paper, an attempt has been made to bring together published information on genetics and breeding of periwinkle as a medicinal plant. Tests by pharmaceutical companies in the 1950s showed the presence of a number of medically active alkaloids, especially the compound vincristine, which has been shown to have activity against leukaemia. The name periwinkle is possibly taken from pervinka, the russian name of the flower, which in turn is derived from pervi, first, as it is one of the first flowers of spring. Uses, side effects, interactions, dosage, and warning.

It is small in size perennial herbaceous evergreen plant that was native to the madagascar island. The plant contains 2 types of active compound such as alkaloid and tannins. Jan 01, 2015 medicinal plants have been used in virtually all cultures as a source of medicine. Jan 27, 2020 about sadabahar, madagascar periwinkle, or catharanthus roseus. Here you can learn the benefits of periwinkle, which is used after leaves are collected and dried in the shade. Periwinkle was already referred to as medicinal plant at the time of pedanius dioscorides 1st century ad, who recommended the use of the herb for a toothache and poisonous insect stings and animal bites. If you want to heal your existing diseases and speed up healing in the natural way, you should take advantage of miracles that nature offers you. How catharanthus roseus is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Periwinkle plant has been used around the world for more than century as a food, medicine, decoration, garlands etc. Different plant parts and forms are used in the treatment of various diseases such as hypertension, asthma, menstrual irregularities, dengue fever, chronic constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, malaria, etc. Benefits of periwinkle health benefits of periwinkle.